Invited Talks
2022 Oct 27
Sep 20
Aug 22 - 24
Jul 12 - 19
Mar 19 - 20
Jan 28
2021 Dec 14
Dec 3
Nov 19
May 4 - June 10
Apr 24
Mar 4
Feb 25
2020 Dec 5
Nov 17
Oct 3
Jan 23
2019 Dec 4
Mar 11
Feb 11
Feb 1
Jan 28
Jan 23
2018 Dec 12
Dec 7
Dec 6
Dec 4
Nov 13
Nov 12
Nov 6
Nov 5
Oct 29
Oct 20
Oct 12
2017 Nov 4 - 5
Apr 28
2016 Dec 1
Oct 24
Mar 5
2015 Nov 10
2012 May 8
2011 Jan 25
Waterloo Algebraic and Enumerative Combinatorics Seminar
Title: A raising operator formula for Macdonald polynomials
Brandeis Combinatorics Seminar
Title: A raising operator formula for Macdonald polynomials
Symmetric Functions in Combinatorics (Seoul National University, hybrid)
Title: A raising operator formula for Macdonald polynomials
Title: Dens, Nests and the Loehr-Warrington Conjecture
AMS Spring Sectional (Special session on Macdonald theory and beyond:
combinatorics, geometry, and integrable systems)
Title: A proof of the Loehr-Warrington Conjecture
Title: Symmetric functions - a gem in algebraic combinatorics
University of Notre Dame Colloquium
Title: Symmetric functions - a gem in algebraic combinatorics
New York Combinatorics Seminar (CUNY)
Title: A note on the higher order Turán inequalities for k-regular partitions
Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar (Texas A&M)
Title: A note on the higher order Turán inequalities for k-regular partitions
Title: A Proof of the Extended Delta Conjecture (Section 3 - 4)
MAA Spring Sectional Meeting (MD-DC-VA Section of the MAA)
Title: Introduction to Symmetric Functions: A gem in Algebraic Combinatorics
Philadelphia Area Combinatorics and Algebraic Geometry (CAGE) Seminar
Title: A Shuffle Theorem for Paths Under Any Line (Part II)
Philadelphia Area Combinatorics and Algebraic Geometry (CAGE) Seminar
Title: A Shuffle Theorem for Paths Under Any Line (Part I)
2020 CMS Virtual Winter Meeting: Special Session: Algebraic Combinatorixx
Title: Distribution properties for t-hooks in partitions
Penn State University: Partition Seminar
Title: A note on the higher order Turán inequalities for k-regular partitions
AMS Fall Eastern Sectional Meeting (Online):
Special Session on q-Series and Related Areas in Combinatorics and Number Theory
Title: Distribution properties for t-hooks in partitions (Part 1)
Institut Mittag-Leffler: Algebraic and Enumerative Combinatoric seminar
Title: Catalan Functions and k-Schur Functions
UVA Algebraic Seminar
Title: Catalan Functions and k-Schur Functions
Temple University Algebra seminar
Title: Catalan Functions and k-Schur Functions
Haverford College: Bi-College series (with Bryn Mawr)
Title: An introduction to symmetric functions - a gem in Algebraic Combinatorics
Virginia Tech Algebra seminar
Title: Catalan Functions and k-Schur Functions
University of Wisconsin-Madison Combinatorics seminar
Title: Catalan Functions and k-Schur Functions
BIRS Workshop: Representation Theory Connections to (q,t)-Combinatorics
Title: Catalan Functions and k-Schur Functions
MIT Combinatorics seminar
Title: Catalan Functions and k-Schur Functions
University of Minnesota Combinatorics seminar
Title: Catalan Functions and k-Schur Functions
University of Minnesota Student Combinatorics and Algebra Seminar
Title: The birth of k-Schur Functions
UC San Diego Combinatorics seminar
Title: Catalan Functions and k-Schur Functions
Dartmouth College Combinatorics seminar
Title: Catalan Functions and k-Schur Functions
Cornell University Discrete Geometry and Combinatorics seminar
Title: Catalan Functions and k-Schur Functions
Philadelphia Area Combinatorics and Algebraic Geometry (CAGE) Seminar
Title: Catalan Functions and k-Schur Functions
UC Davis Algebra and Discrete Mathematics seminar
Title: Catalan Functions and k-Schur Functions
Tulane University Research Seminars: Algebraic Geometry
Title: Catalan Functions and k-Schur Functions
UVA workshop: Representation Theory, Combinatorics and Geometry
Title: Catalan Functions and k-Schur Functions
Temple University Math Club Seminar
Title: An introduction to symmetric functions - a gem in Algebraic Combinatorics
AMS Sectional meeting, Special Session on Combinatorial aspects of the polynomial ring
Title: Generalized Kostka-Foulkes polynomials and k-Schur functions
UIUC Math Seminar
Title: On Decomposition of products of Demazure atoms and key polynomials into atoms
Lafayette Math Seminar
Title: On Decomposition of products of Demazure atoms and key polynomials into atoms
Bryn Mawr Math Colloquium
Title: On Decomposition of products of Demazure atoms and key polynomials into atoms
AMS Sectional meeting, Special Session on the Combinatorics of Symmetric Functions
Title: On Decomposition of products of Demazure atoms and key polynomials into atoms
Philadelphia Area Combinatorics and Algebraic Geometry (CAGE) Seminar
Title: On Decomposition of products of Demazure atoms and key polynomials into atoms
Discrete Mathematics Seminar (The University of Delaware)
Title: A geometric proof of a theorem on antiregularity of generalized quadrangles
Geometry Seminar (The University of Hong Kong)
Title: A geometric proof of a theorem on antiregularity of generalized quadrangles
Conferences/ Workshops/Seminars
Collaborate@ICERM: Vacillating Tableaux and Integer Sequences
Symmetric Functions in Combinatorics (Seoul National University, hybrid)
(Invited speaker)
Important Papers in Algebraic Combinatorics (IPAC) seminar (Summer 2022)
(Co-organizer, speaker)
ICERM Topical Workshop: Research Community in Algebraic Combinatorics (hybrid)
(Participating in Project 6: Enumerative Combinatorics with Filling of Polyominoes)
ICERM Topical Workshop: Research Community in Algebraic Combinatorics (Virtual)
(Participating in Project 6: Enumerative Combinatorics with Filling of Polyominoes)
MAA Spring Sectional Meeting (MD-DC-VA Section of the MAA)
inteGIRLS D.C. math competition for women in STEM career panel
(Invited panel speaker)
ICERM Introductory Workshop: Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry
(Participated as a Teaching Assistant)
2020 CMS Virtual Winter Meeting: Special Session: Algebraic Combinatorixx
AMS Fall Eastern Sectional Meeting (Online):
Special Session on q-Series and Related Areas in Combinatorics and Number Theory
AlCoVE: an Algebraic Combinatorics Virtual Expedition
Algebraic Combinatorics Online Workshop 2020
Research Program in Institut Mittag-Leffler: Algebraic and Enumerative Combinatorics
6th Annual Mid-Atlantic Algebraic Geometry & Combinatoics (MAAGC) workshop
BIRS Workshop 19w5131 Representation Theory Connections to (q,t)-Combinatorics
2019 Joint Mathematics Meetings
UVA Workshop: Representation Theory, Combinatorics and Geometry
5th Annual Mid-Atlantic Algebraic Geometry & Combinatoics (MAAGC) workshop
AMS Sectional meeting, Special Session on Combinatorial aspects of the polynomial ring
Thematic Semester: Algebra andWords in Combinatorics; Equivariant Combinatorics Workshop
The 2017 Midwest Combinatorics Conference
4th Annual Mid-Atlantic Algebraic Geometry & Combinatoics (MAAGC) workshop
3rd Annual Mid-Atlantic Algebraic Geometry & Combinatoics (MAAGC) workshop
AMS Sectional Meeting, Special Session on the Combinatorics of Symmetric Functions
2016 Joint Mathematics Meetings, AWM Workshop, Poster Presentations and Reception
AMS Sectional Meeting, Special Session on Multiple Combinatorial Numbers and Associated Identities
Thematic Program in Combinatorics (NIMS, South Korea)
The 2015 Midwest Combinatorics Conference
2nd Annual Mid-Atlantic Algebraic Geometry & Combinatoics (MAAGC) workshop
AMS Sectional Meeting, Special Session on Algebraic and Enumerative Combinatorics
11th Graduate Student Conference in Combinatorics (GSCC) 2015
IMA Annual Program Year Workshop: Geometric and Enumerative Combinatorics
1st annual Mid-Atlantic Algebraic Geometry & Combinatorics (MAAGC) workshop
10th Graduate Student Conference in Combinatorics (GSCC) 2014
Joint Mathematics Meetings
Philadelphia Area Combinatorics and Algebraic Geometry (CAGE) Seminar
2013 - present
Jul 17- 21
Jun 12-16
Oct 16-22
Aug 22-24
May 24-Aug 23
Mar 19 -20
Feb 10-11
Aug 5-6
May 4 - Aug 10
Apr 24
Apr 24
Feb 1-5
Dec 5
Oct 3 - 4
Jul 6 - 24
Jun 15 - 16
Apr 24 - 30
Jan 13 - Apr 30
May 3 - 4
Jan 20 - 25
Jan 16 - 19
Oct 19 - 21
Jul 16 - 20
Apr 27 -28
Nov 4 - 5
Jun 19 - 23
May 23 - 25
May 5 - 6
Apr 29
Jul 4 - 8
May 6 - 7
Apr 30
Mar 5 - 6
Jan 6 - 9
Nov 14 -15
Jul 13 - 16
Jul 6 - 10
May 19 - 21
May 11 - 18
Apr 24 - 25
Apr 17 - 19
Mar 27 - 29
Jan 5 - 9
Nov 10 - 14
Jun 26 - Jul 3
May 3
Apr 4 - 6
Jan 17 - 18